Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The power of scribd to show my hobbies

My Hobbies

the mindmap of hobbies that i enjoy doing...

probably out of this i would like eating and outdoor activities the most...this would hence forth show the lazy side of mine and the active side.this mind map was taken from the site called mindmeister

pitures of photograhy inspired by nature

THE first one is snorkelling.
Next shows a beautiful island paradise'
lastly it shows a unique duk.
i have been doing photography eversince i got my very own camera.i even attende a workshop that involves nature photography

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

more on the hobbies

ihave always wanted to learn how to do the roller bladin/ inline skatin cousin has always showed me how to do it.however,i simply could not get it!!!!please enjoy a few pictures of a sport i enjoy doing whenever i go snorkelling in the malaysian island,Tioman

my faavourite hobby

personally...i think that my favourite hobby is cycling and roller blading.They are my favourite things to do cuz i have been doing such things ever since i was young.i developed a passion for these sports eversince i saw my cousin doing it.
The cycling video

now the roller blading video

youtube video-random video i picked

i chose this cuz it was one of the popular vids of the day

me,myself and i

hello .ya now that you know me scroll to see the youtube video